Tapping & EFT (emotional freedom technique)

Last week I had the pleasure of training in EFT for my level one practitioner with the amazing Pearl Lopian who had come over especially from Israel for different training workshops.

Ever since I had some EFT (emotional freedom technique) treatment many years ago, I’ve been fascinated by the power of this therapy and how it can help shift some small but also pretty significant emotional and physical issues.

If you’re not familiar with ‘tapping’ or EFT, it’s a technique in which you are guided to literally tap with your fingertips on your different meridian points to restore energy balance and relieve symptoms of a negative emotion or experience.

We focus in on the issue and restructure the problem, therefore eventually making it much less dominant. It’s incredibly powerful and can help relieve and reduce bad habits, pain, negative thoughts, stress and fear. I’m really excited to bring this into my coaching practice to help my clients overcome blocks such as self-doubt, worry, low self esteem and overwhelm.

If you’d like to come and try a taster 30 min session with me for a specific but not too serious issue (note: I’m not trained to help with grief or severe trauma yet), I’m looking for some extra experience. Give me a shout if you’d like to volunteer. I can work online or in person. Thanks!


So, what is it exactly that you do?


Setting yourself unrealistic expectations? Me too!