So, what is it exactly that you do?

Hmmm, good question and a question I get asked a lot. And until recently I hadn’t got it quite locked down. Being a coach is a hard one to describe as the results aren’t quite tangible, yet the personal investment can be huge. Building people’s confidence, changing mindsets, removing self-doubt and inner criticism, being a compass to someone who feels lost, de-mystifying confusing information, serving up clarity and being an accountability partner is a difficult one to explain in a few short words.

And each coach can be totally different. We really have multi-layered qualities - enthusiasm, compassion, unafraid to challenge, empathy, quick thinking – although we can coach in very different ways and capacities. This can range from helping with marketing and new business building like Helen Slater Coaching, helping you become a happier version of you at work like The Work Happy Project or perhaps stepping off the corporate ladder and finding your passion with someone like Caroline Britton Coaching.

However, I’d like to tell you what I do and how I do it:
• I’m a wellbeing and mindset coach which basically means I help you feel healthier, happier and more motivated to stay even healthier and happier in the future, while making sure you don’t get in your own way of achieving this.
• Just because I’m the above type of coach, does NOT mean I am an angel: my passion is simplifying this ever-growing zeitgeist of Insta wellbeing, de-mystifying the overwhelming jargon of living a healthy lifestyle while making this all as accessible as possible. I streamline the never-ending wellness content we’re bombarded with and then call bullshit on the rubbish I see online, while keeping you focussed on what will really give you results. I do this through very many different ways – but always with a sense of humour and some fun
• Joy and laughter is fundamental to good health – doesn’t matter where get it from, just find it!
• For me, a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body and the two are not interchangeable
• I truly believe that micro changes (stairs instead of lift) can result in impressive macro results (new mindset, happier person, better life)

A few last details you may want to know about me and my life as a wellbeing coach:
• I really enjoy red wine or gin and tonic – crucially depending on what’s happened in my day
• Cheese, bread and butter are my weaknesses – nothing better!
• I always advocate cooking from scratch but I’m also a sucker for an Indian takeaway (I’m a connoisseur on all the veg dishes)
• I’m no Rolling Stone, but I do love a fun night out with good food, friends and wine – what else is life for, especially when you’re a parent??
• I believe a bracing walk outside can help resolve most conundrums and is the most underated coaching tool under my belt.

If I’ve missed anything else – I’d love to answer any further questions about what I ‘really’ do as a coach! Oh yes, and lastly, yes I do coach men as well as women -something I really enjoy. If you have a man in your life that could do with some extra lifestyle support - send him my way 🙋‍♀️


Real change is practically invisible


Tapping & EFT (emotional freedom technique)