Client Testimonials
“Your podcast was one of the first I started listening to when I was going through diagnosis, and I’ve always found it so uplifting.”
“Kate is doing absolutely essential work for women like myself.”
“I recently discovered your podcast and have found it so helpful to have in the mix as I navigate my way through menopause with a mid-life ADHD diagnosis.”
“I've followed your podcast for a long time and it's exciting to see how your work with the women's ADHD community has transformed so many lives (including mine!). I'm full of gratitude for you and your work.”
“Your podcasts are amazing and have helped our family so very much...if nothing else then thank you for this alone...”
“I found your amazing podcast after researching ADHD symptoms in women. It was such a HUGE relief to find someone who clearly cares about women struggling with ADHD. You have become my anchor in the storm and I always feel empowered after listening to one of your podcasts. Thank you”
“I just wanted to say thank you for this workshop. I’ve been trying to use tapping for a while, but this has just encouraged me to embrace it more wholeheartedly
- Samantha
“I thank you for all of the wonderful resources that you put together. I’ve already learned so much!!”
“I absolutely love your podcasts and have even written in my desires/manifestation wish list to have ADHD coaching with you!”
...I just wanted to say thank you... I feel like if it wasn’t for you, I’d probably be feeling a little deflated and lost. I’ve been given absolutely no backup medically post-diagnosis in September, and if it weren’t for your podcast, I wouldn’t really have a clue about myself and what to do next, so thank you for your time, kindness and sharing. You really have been the best mentor, light and comforter during this rollercoaster ride.
- Beth
"I feel like Kate has been with me through my entire ADHD journey. Her podcasts have been invaluable, steering me through from diagnosis to more complex questions that come up when you start to dig deeper. I then had some 1:1 sessions which were incredibly professional and valuable, providing the confidence I needed to change things. More recently I joined Kate’s ’Spiritual Entrepreneur’ course which has helped me to dig deeper into who I really am versus who I’ve been masking as, with weekly check ins, strong supportive content and zooms every few months. You get a sense that Kate really values her clients and as she obviously puts in a lot of effort to support & provide quality content that is targeted at our needs. A guiding light that I couldn’t be without”.
I slept very well last night and have had a good day. I started with a good nutritious breakfast without over analysing and continued from there. The session definitely opened my eyes to the possibilities of further work. Thanks again for your time yesterday.
- Natalie
I'm feeling a lot lighter...But after our session, my struggles were so clear and I could articulate exactly why I needed the help and he was able to see things with my eyes, it was great. If the conversation would have happened before our session, I would have felt like a fraud.
- Gill
I woke...with my head that bit lighter, which was great (I slept for 9 hours). I was absolutely exhausted yesterday after the session! I also followed the video in your newsletter and that felt good...It helped too. Thanks again so much, it is so interesting and I’m amazed at the difference already.
- Sarah
My shoulders are no longer up to my ears 247, desperately worried about family members...and I'm trying my best to lean into this temporary normal. I can hand on heart say I got here a lot faster with the help of Kate and a magic EFT session I had the night before. I had heard of tapping before but not much more than that, if you're in the same boat, please pop over to Kate's page and have a look at some of her 'how to' videos as I am absolutely converted
- Hannah
Thanks, Kate. If it wasn’t for that workshop you did where all the lightbulbs came on then I rather suspect I wouldn’t have clocked on for a good while longer and probably be waiting forever now that the lists have grown even bigger! Regardless of the outcome of my assessment I will always be grateful to you for your gentle illumination with all of this…
… I just feel that you’re doing important work and it would help other women to know that you can be an academically successful woman on paper but still have ADHD and the challenges that it can bring up and be managed in the ways that you teach people.
- Carol, workshop attendee
I contacted Kate about how EFT could help me move forward after living with the effects of a bad pregnancy, traumatic labour and the aftermath of postnatal depression for nearly 9 years! I knew I had some emotion that was sitting there that raised its ugly head every time I recalled or spoke about that time in my life.
Kate very quickly understood what I needed and how to begin working through these feelings using EFT. She explained how EFT worked and made me feel very comfortable and most importantly safe at what we were going to work through.
The process was cathartic and lifting and after the time together I felt like a huge weight had been lifted - something had shifted without a doubt! I can't wait to continue working with Kate as I feel that this is a tool that will support me to both ground myself and move forward in life.
I would highly recommend Kate, she is so kind and warm and makes you feel instantly nurtured and supported!
- Helen Slater, Niche & Marketing Coach
I wanted to let you know that due to my doing the tapping I totally feel I am completely managing it so much more and actually am able to have some massive insights...I truly believe that it was due to the tapping that I was able to do this as I could process my thoughts and see how much anxiety this situation was causing me and was damaging my mental health. I then was able to put myself first for once and this has now very much boosted my self-esteem and I feel really empowered which is amazing! This is just one example, Kate, I have many more and would be happy to always share with you.
And I absolutely LOVED your workshop. It was perfect for me and I loved the way you did it with some explaining and chance to talk but then the actual tapping session. I would be very much up for more sessions like that for sure.
- Jo
I have had 3 sessions with Kate so far, and wow! After years of counselling, therapy, CBT and no long term positive effects this has been revolutionary for me.
Through tapping and a little talking, we have got to the deepest entrenched beliefs and began to work on them. Now I know why am I so hyper vigilant for example. It is literally what comes up on the day which is exactly what I need to try and tap and clear. At the beginning of the session I can be crying and struggling to breathe and talk, and by the end I feel calmer and lighter.
Because Kate also has ADHD she can really empathise and there is no judgement. She understands the struggles I have as a professional, a wife and a mum with ADHD. I never feel alone, I feel held and I cannot thank you enough Kate.
- Paula
“My pain has subsided a lot since our last session and I have definitely been sleeping better. I also feel that my anxiety has lessened and I’m more able to cope with it better.”
- Ana
“After our sessions, I am trying to stay calmer and for the majority of the time, it’s working. Thank you.”
- Natalie