Episode 167: Slowing down to help prevent ADHD Burnout

On this week's ADHD Women's Wellbeing 'Wisdom' episode, we revisit a clip from the profound episode with high-performance ADHD Coach Kim Raine about finding equilibrium and balance between our restless ADHD energy, relentless drive, and burnout.

As women with ADHD, we have an abundance of ideas, but thriving in business can feel difficult if we work against ourselves. By taking time to rest and make space while being consciously aware of where our energy and creativity levels are, we can be more successful and focused in our careers alongside ADHD.

Watch the Preventing ADHD Burnout Workshop that Kate mentions in the episode here.

During this episode, Kate and Kim speak about:

  • How entrepreneurship and ADHD often go hand in hand

  • How our brains thrive when we're creating

  • How burnout and our ADHD nervous systems can hold us back in business

  • How to thrive with ADHD in business

  • By slowing down, we can achieve more with ADHD

  • Hyperfocus and 'sprinting'

  • Workaholism, ADHD and burnout

  • Finding a balance between our ambitions and our energy levels

  • The fear of burnout can hold us back in business

  • Being enough with our relentless minds

  • It's ok to stand still and celebrate our achievements

  • Being ok with what we've done that day

  • How 'Comparisonitis' and RSD can hold us back in the way we do business

  • Trusting how we work even though it looks different to others

  • Tailor-making a career that works for our creativity, cycles and energy

Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.


Episode 168: How to Thrive at Work with Rachel Harris & Jodie Hill


Episode 166: ADHD Purpose & Gut Health with Kat Brown & Dr Rachel Gow