ADHD Women's Wellbeing | by Kate Moryoussef

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Anyone for passion and purpose?

I hear the words passion and purpose being bandied about a lot. Being a coach, these are words that can often get thrown into a conversation quite whimsically. However, I believe they can carry a huge amount of weight and pressure and make you feel a bit sh*tty if you don’t have at least three to speak of.

I know they did and still do for me, especially on a down day (yes even us coaches have them!). It’s something I’ve heard @elizabeth_gilbert_writer talk about before and it really resonates when I’m helping a client explore their own curiosity.

Sometimes we just don’t have an ‘officially selected’ passion or purpose. Not all of us want to save the world, climb a mountain or break a world record. Some of us just simply want to live a more meaningful and fulfilled life, without a big old sign highlighting to everyone their big P&Ps, and there’s nothing wrong with that. What I’ve realised is that a passion can develop and evolve. And there are some ways to discover this. So here are a few pointers to uncovering what your passion may be.

Ask yourself these questions:
🔹What seems interesting or what do you enjoy doing?
🔹What speaks to your value system?
🔹What do you get lost in the moment with, no matter other distractions going on?
🔹 What or who energises you and offers you water-tight focus?
🔹 What or who boosts your spirit?

Reflect and assess this. Write it down and you’ll uncover way more than you thought was there. Be true and be the person you’re meant to be. Don’t feel bad for not being Mother Theresa. That was her gig. Find what resonates for you, without morphing yourself into something brand new. Build on what you’ve got and that’s where the passion comes from.

During my ‘Finding Your Voice’ workshop series in Altrincham, we’ll be touching on this and working through more exercises to really hone in and discover our authentic passions. If this is something you’d like to work on, pls do get in touch. And have you only just recently discovered your passions or purpose? Tell me more!!