Episode 153: How to Live a Well Lived Life with Dr Gladys McGarey

It's not often you get to seek the wisdom of a 102-year-old, but when it's a neurodivergent doctor and life coach, you know you're in for a profound conversation. She tells me her secrets to a fulfilled life of gratitude, acceptance and authenticity.

I was absolutely honoured to speak with the inspiring and fascinating Dr Gladys McGarey, who was 102 years old at the time of her new book’s publication. I read her wonderful book, A Well-Lived Life, and loved every page and the spiritual wisdom she shared—I had many epiphanies after each chapter.

After spotting the signs of a neurodivergent brain—she shares her dyslexia, learning, and education journey—I knew I had to reach out to her team and ask her to join the podcast!

During our conversation, Dr Gladys shared her story of being held back in her early years of education due to undiagnosed dyslexia and how, through her different learning styles and curiosity, she is now recognised as a pioneer of the allopathic and holistic medical movements and a founding diplomat of the American Board of Holistic Medicine.

Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.


Episode 154: Using EFT Tapping to Help Ourselves AND Our Kids


Episode 152: Retraining our Brains to Thrive: Chronic Conditions, Pain, Trauma and ADHD